Ya estoy afiliado
Soy parte de los planes y beneficios del la red MediSmart.
¡Quiero afiliarme!
Yo quiero los benefocios y planes de MediSmart.
Non-Profit Organization
It is a nonprofit organization that supports self-determination for people with Down syndrome and their families. Likewise, they promote the inclusion of people with Down syndrome from birth, in all social areas of our country, including education, health, recreation, work, among others.
Seek and ensure compliance, for the benefit of people with Down syndrome, of Law 7600: Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities and Law 8661: International Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, in Costa Rica.
Be able to support people with Down syndrome and their families for their comprehensive development, under the same conditions of quality, opportunity, rights and duties as the rest of the inhabitants, seeking their inclusion in all social systems.
San José, Costa Rica
Benefits for MediSmart members:
As part of their commitment to helping our members maintain good health, when you enroll in MediSmart for only $14.51 per month, we will give you the benefit of our plan for FREE for your family member with Down syndrome, allowing them to access all savings and benefits at no cost to enroll.
Descubrí los diferentes planes
- Plan mensual
- Plan semestral
- Plan anual
Descubrí los diferentes planes
- Plan mensual
- Plan semestral
- Plan anual