Centro Integral PositIV Wellness
Centro Integral con mas de 150 servicios
Centro Integral PositIV Wellness
We are a Comprehensive Center with over 150 services, among which stands out Intravenous Vitamin Therapy (IV) (also known as intravenous micronutrient therapy or hydration therapy). It is a way to deliver high concentrations of vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream, allowing for the rapid absorption of higher doses of vitamins and minerals than if the person were to consume them through food or supplements.
We offer more than 20 different cocktails tailored to each patient’s goal. Some of the cocktails we provide include: High-Dose Vitamin C, B Complex, After Party (for hangovers and discomfort after social events), Immune Boost (strengthening the immune system), Anti-Aging, Workout Boost (support for sports activities), Migraine (for headaches), Jetlag (for long-distance travel time disorientation), among many others.
Home service.
* Los descuentos no aplican en combinación con otras promociones o descuentos.
Each IV therapy session includes:
– Assessment, record creation, vital sign measurement, informed consent, therapy accompaniment, complimentary beverage, medical recommendation for the frequency of therapy.
These fluids are administered through a small tube inserted into a vein. Cocktails are prepared in a saline solution, and the infusions typically last between 20 minutes and one hour, depending on the cocktail volume, type of cocktail, the thickness of the person’s veins, among other factors.
25% discount on vitamin therapy.

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