


Dr. Juan Francisco Cabezas

“Homeopathy is a natural treatment with rapid action and no side effects, achieving the energetic balance of the body.

As a MediSmart affiliate, you will receive a special price for the following treatments and consultations with the Doctor.

The equipment to be used includes:

Meridian II, which performs a Comprehensive Functional Diagnosis using the analysis of Active Biological Zones and Active Biological Points (Acupuncture points). Non-invasive electroacupuncture therapy, confirmation of medications, and allergy tests are conducted.

Medicomat 29, which performs Comprehensive Functional Diagnosis and non-invasive Auriculotherapy (QRMA – Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer). QRMA, also a Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer, is used for comprehensive functional diagnosis only.

May Mat, an emitter of low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic radiation, is used for therapy with the device (PEMF) for the natural restoration of the body. Additionally, the use of Homeopathic medications (included in the consultation price) and Phytotherapeutics as needed in each treatment.”

Special Prices:

– Comprehensive functional diagnosis appointment (with Medicomat or Meridian II equipment) at ₡30,000.
– Each therapy session (with MayMat or Meridian II) at ₡25,000.
– Homeopathy appointment ₡30,000 (includes medications).

Each consultation includes homeopathic medications, whether initial or follow-up, at a cost of ₡35,000 colones.
Every diagnostic study or therapy (each session) has a value of ₡35,000 colones.

For appointments, you can contact:
– Clinica Monte Sion in Heredia 2237-4807 / 2260-5664
– Torre Médica Latinoamericana 400-19574
– Clínica Católica 2246-3062 / 2246-3091

* Discounts do not apply in combination with other promotions or discounts. Consultation prices may vary without prior notice.

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