Clínica del Sueño SleepMed
Centro médico
Clínica del Sueño SleepMed
It is a medical center specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders, under the direction of Dr. Lilliana Estrada Chaverri, since the year 2009.
We are the most experienced sleep laboratory in Costa Rica in the comprehensive management of sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, snoring, insomnia, among others. We have trained over 80% of the healthcare personnel currently conducting sleep studies in the country and in Central America.
In our clinic, we provide special attention to the development of Sleep Medicine, a branch of medicine that studies the normal physiology during sleep and the disruptions that can occur in relation to sleep. We have the most experience in the country in the comprehensive management of sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, snoring, insomnia, and other sleep disorders.
With our knowledge and experience, we have trained over 80% of the healthcare personnel currently working on sleep studies in the country and in Central America.
We have the most expertise in the country in conducting and analyzing and interpreting sleep studies: polysomnography, polygraphy, multiple sleep latency tests, maintenance of wakefulness tests, among others, and also the most experience in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea.
Address: Avenida Médica Escazú Medical Building, Tower 3, Fourth floor, offices 433-435-437-439.
* Los descuentos no aplican en combinación con otras promociones o descuentos.
Up to 15%* discount for members on the following procedures:
1. Diagnostic overnight polysomnography
2. CPAP-BPAP titration polysomnography
3. Split night polysomnography
4. Multiple sleep latency test
5. Maintenance of wakefulness test
6. Polysomnography with full electroencephalography
7. 4-channel cardiorespiratory polygraphy
8. 7-channel ambulatory cardiorespiratory polygraphy
9. Therapeutic week with CPAP or BPAP.
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